Your health and safety come first here.
Before you choose to have an abortion, you owe it to yourself to get all the facts and be fully informed. Abortion is a different experience for everyone and it can affect your physical and mental health. For information on the different methods of abortion, side effects, what to expect, recovery, and more, schedule an appointment with one of our nurses.
If you have taken the first dose of the abortion pill regime and want information on how to continue your pregnancy, it’s still your choice. Learn more about your options during a chemical abortion.
*Elevation Women’s Healthcare does not perform, recommend or refer anyone for an abortion.
Is my pregnancy viable?
A positive pregnancy test is not a guarantee that gestation will progress. One in five pregnancies can result in a miscarriage. Miscarriage rates are highest in the first trimester, usually before 7-8 weeks.
Note: You need to also confirm the pregnancy is occurring inside the uterus. Taking the abortion pill during an ectopic pregnancy can be fatal.
How far along am I?
Gestational age determines the methods of abortion that you may be eligible for. Only a sonogram can accurately determine the gestational age of a fetus. We can provide this at no cost to you.
Do I have an STD?
Having any type of abortion with an untreated STD increases a woman’s risk of infection and other complications. If you do not know if you have an STD, Elevation Women’s Healthcare can provide you with a free screening to determine your sexual health status.
Today, there are choices when it comes to making an adoption plan. This can be a difficult decision, but one that has a number of benefits for you, your baby and the adoptive family. We can provide the information you need to decide if making an adoption plan is right for you.
You may have more questions than answers about parenting or maybe the thought of being a parent seems impossible to you at this time. Parenting is a huge, but rewarding responsibility. You don’t have to face it alone, we can help. We provide free pregnancy and parenting support, classes, and material assistance. Contact us to learn more about all the services and free resources available to you.