15 Early Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms

February 14, 2024

Do you think you may be pregnant? Long before there were readily available drug-store pregnancy tests or sonograms, women knew they were pregnant by noticing a series of bodily changes that begin soon after conception. Even though many pregnancy signs and symptoms have causes unlinked to pregnancy, this list can help you figure out if […]


Is Abortion Pill Regret Real?

January 11, 2024

Facing an unexpected pregnancy is an emotionally, physically, and mentally taxing experience. It’s a deeply personal decision created from the unexpected nature of the situation and its challenging circumstances. While some women initially feel relief with their choice, others immediately grapple with persistent feelings of regret. These emotional repercussions can linger for years or even […]


My Abortion Story…and How I Found Healing.

December 15, 2023

If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, adoption could be the right pregnancy option for you. Learn about the adoption option and how it can provide your child with a loving family and bright future.


Choosing Between Adoption and Abortion | Kara’s Story

November 13, 2023

If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, adoption could be the right pregnancy option for you. Learn about the adoption option and how it can provide your child with a loving family and bright future.


What To Expect During an At-Home Abortion

October 11, 2023

While skipping the abortion clinic and ordering online may look like an easy, stress-free, safe option, we’re here to help you understand the risks involved, what not to do, the information you need to know ahead of time, and what to do if things go wrong at home.


What Are the Most Common STIs and Their Symptoms

September 14, 2023

Because many STIs (sexually transmitted infections) do not show symptoms, you may not even know you are infected. Below are some of the most common STIs and the characteristics associated with each. While most STIs are treatable, some have long-lasting side effects. Early detection is essential for your health and to ensure you don’t continue […]


Is Plan B Considered the Abortion Pill?

September 1, 2023

If you are looking for information about Plan B, the abortion pill, abortion clinic procedures, and what your pregnancy options are right now – we can help. Start with free onsite pregnancy testing, and if you qualify, an ultrasound to obtain proof of pregnancy and verify how far along you are.


How Soon After Sex Can I Take a Pregnancy Test?

July 19, 2023

Waiting to take a pregnancy test when you think you may be pregnant can be excruciating. If you’ve recently had unprotected sex or experienced contraception failure, you probably want to know as soon as possible.  Before you begin to worry or make any plans, taking a home pregnancy test is an excellent first step. Of […]


Where can I get proof of pregnancy for free?

June 20, 2023

Need proof of pregnancy? If you already have an abortion clinic or OB/GYN appointment, start with a free ultrasound at Elevation Women’s Healthcare to save cost. No insurance required.


What is a Misoprostol Only Abortion?

May 24, 2023

The recent order from the United States Supreme Court on the distribution of mifepristone, the first drug in a medication abortion (also known as Mifeprex), has caused significant controversy and discussion about the drug’s safety and legality. While the ruling allows the continued distribution of the drug according to current FDA regulations, that does not […]
